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Let's optimise your present steel project, if the weight of your system you think is not 15% under the existing design, then your project will be free of charge.
The steel carrier systems have a major superiority comparing to the reinforcement concrete systems.
What the significant is the primary superiority of the high strength and lightness of designs and exposing minimal level of earthquake loads. As the material feature of the steel the rapture and prolongation strengths are equal, it is considered that it is very good solution for the systems not be executed with the materials of which rapture strength is lower.
Mounting the steel components manufactured in the site or workshop is fair speed. Adversely to reinforcement concrete construction systems, all assembling affairs can be executed under the extra ordinary circumstances. These reasons make the time short. In the case the structure needs to be dismantled, this job may be done as soon as possible and may be mounted on another place with very law losses. At the system which has big hiatus and gaps, the distance which cannot be passed with reinforcement concrete material can be easily passed with steel construction components. The quality of steel construction components are continuously under supervision and produced in compliance with the standards under the factory conditions. It shows the attitude expected from itself since it is isotropic and homogenous material thus, the fault deviations are very low at the static figures. In spite of the fact that steel carrier system buildings have more space in the construction industry of developed countries in terms of engineering implementations, they have found no chance
or implementation in our country comparing to the reinforcement concrete buildings since it has high costs in our country. The share of steel construction buildings in the industries of developed countries are 50% in Europe, 70% in USA, 80% in Japan nevertheless it is 5 % in our country. Undoubtedly, to build these systems by reducing them in to economical dimension, these structures which have highly seismic performances will contribute on the spreading across to country where the earthquake risk are rather higher so that the damage and losses to be emerged after the earth quake will be lessened.
The building optimisation in the engineering implementations in our country is almost not executed where as it is possible to build at lowest cost due to the designing steel constructions at the lowest weight selected among the readymade profile lists by the implementation of structure optimisation.
It is necessary that steel carrier system buildings should be designed economically by using optimisation and consequently the implementation in engineering will be widespread across the country. In this context, by making model in three dimension of the steel carrier system buildings, the optimum sizing problem is formulated in accordance with our country's specifications and the solution of divertive variable optimisation problem attained, shall be executed by using stochastic optimisation techniques developed in the recent years. The horizontal and vertical loads affecting the buildings (wind, earthquake, death and movable snow loads) shall be defined according to the TS500 and UBC 97 specifications and the provisions of the specifications of TS 648 (Building Code for Steel Structures) and AISC-ASD (American Institute of Steel Construction, Allowable Stress design) shall be taken as basis for the design criterion of these system.
Low cost: The cost of galvanised coatings is lower than alternative coating cost in many implementations. When compare to dye cost, the cost of hot dip method galvanised coating has dropped under the dye cost. Alternative coatings particularly, dying is more expensive than galvanised coatings. The reason is quite simple; the bigger lot but shorter time and shorter workmanship.
Lower Service Cost: In addition to the low cost of galvanising by hot dip method, it withstands and durable for at least 20 years without maintenance due to the circumstances of the vicinity where it is and thus eliminates repair and maintenances expenses where as the dye other coatings should be renewed or replaced repeatedly in 20 years time. In the buildings where the reaching somewhere is hard and the building were nested each other, it also eliminates the needs of maintenance at the plants where the production should not be stopped.
Long Life: The benefits galvanisation by hot dip method of which the durable life can be estimated and possesses long withstanding life under the heaviest atmospheric circumstances, were proved by the researches and experiments. It withstands at least 10-20 years in the vicinity of industry and sea, more than 25 years in the less harmful vicinity without implementing any maintenance. The action to be done even the maintenance is necessary, is simpler than the other protection methods.
Reliability: The coating thickness in galvanisation by hot dip method which is very easy and understandable can precisely be measurable thus the durable life can be pre-estimated. The coating is adjusted to ensure the equal protection in all of surfaces. The galvanisation is one the coating standards of which the standards were able to be utterly revealed.
Implementation Speed: A precise protection in hot dip galvanisation can be attained in a few minutes where as the four fly dying process takes a couple of weeks.
The Coating Saturation: The galvanised coating attained by galvanisation by hot dip method is mere coating process which can make a metallurgical connection with steel. By this property, galvanise coated steel can demonstrate the biggest resistance against mechanical damages which the material will be incurred while the transportation, storage, handling and mounting processes; thus this feature of galvanise coated steel can make the transportation across the world including overseas countries available. Nevertheless the saturation of galvanised steel can make a proper material to the utilisation in the cases that there would be abrasion states.
Integral Coating: All details not to be able to be protected against corrosion in any way such as the inner and exterior side of material the narrow hiatus, scratches are coated by Zinc since the galvanisation by hot dip method was a coating by submerging the material under the melted Zinc. However, the edges and angles which is remaining thin in the other coatings such as brush, spray and other submerging methods, shall be coated what they required to be
3 Direction Protection: Galvanise coating protects steel in 3 different ways. The first, the slow erasing speed gives a long and pre-estimated durable life. The second is cathodic protection feature of the coating. When implementing a process such as drilling in a small surface or cutting a piece from the material or incurring damage, the scratches is protected by Zinc. The third, in case the damage is bigger, the zinc is itself incurred corrosion prior to steel since the zinc is more electro-negative thus it goes on protecting steel.
Convenience at the Quality Control: The examination of coating is to examine whether the coating has been executed according to the standards (ASTMA 123, BS 729, DIN 50976, and TSE 914) or not. Tests are easily executed by micrometer or free damage examination devices and are compared to the standards.
Speedy mounting: The galvanised steel is ready for use and can be mounted without surface cleaning, dying and examination.